== Notes to self ==
Not gold alone brought us hither

Perks of Remote Work

Remote work is showing signs of going mainstream. This presents an opportunity for knowledge workers to embrace this option and lead a healthy life. However, there are misconceptions about remote work that can lead to the opposite and you may end up living an unhealthy life. Some misconceptions are: flexible work hours, the ability to work in pajamas, the ability to work from vacation spots, etc. While enticing, this framing is misguided because such a lifestyle is unsustainable. This may be why after the pandemic, some people are longing to go back to the office. They miss the structure and routine an office can provide for their workday.

Remote work works best if you are self-disciplined. Once the guard rails from an office environment are unavailable, you need to build your own. You need to fix your work hours. You need to dress for work even when you are remote because this helps your brain put you in work mode. Not doing this blurs the work/life boundary, leading to burnout. Replace your commute time with low-intensity workouts, such as a 30-minute stroll in the neighborhood before and after work. This creates a reasonable boundary between your work hours and off-hours. That last thing is the best part of remote work. No more “I don’t have time for exercise” excuse!

Remote work is here to stay as an option for knowledge workers. When done right, it can be life-changing. Seize this opportunity if you can.